Friday, November 18, 2011

The Day In The Life Of A Colonist

Read one of the following accounts of life and beliefs in the early America.

Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family(Boston, 1712). About the duties of husbands and wives
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl- Harriet Jacobs- Choose two chapters to read from her account of slavery
Alexander Falconbridge's account of the slave trade
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa the African (1789)- traces his life from his capture to the Middle Passage, and his life as a slave.
Thomas Morton, Description of the Indians in New England (1637)
The Adventures of Daniel Boone
Benjamin Franklin, How I Became a Printer in Philadelphia

Write a blog or paragraph summary to share what you learned about their life.

13 Colonies Map Activity

Identify each of the 13 colonies

Spell each colony's name correctly

Write the year they were founded underneath the colony

Classify each colony as a New England, Middle, or Southern colony

Later we will explain the main economic activities of each region.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

13 Colonies Unit Objectives

The guiding question for this unit is: What is our country's foundation made of?

By the time you are finished with this unit you will understand the following ideas:

1. People came to the colonies for different reasons, such as freedom from religious persecution, economic incentives, or being kidnapped and enslaved.
2. The Europeans that settled the 13 colonies dramatically altered the landscape of the territories they settled.
3. The Europeans forever changed the lives and cultures of the Native Americans.
4. The New England, Middle, and Southern colonies had many differences.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Here is our first blog question. The students can write the response on paper or comment as a user.

Write a paragraph response to the following questions to get you thinking about this unit.

1. What motivates immigrants to come to the United States (today)? Consider what they lose and what they can gain in your argument.
2. Thousands of Europeans chose to move to the British colonies. Some for economic reasons and some for freedoms. If you decided to immigrate somewhere, would you move for economic reasons or for freedom?